The Psychology of the “Mob”

Trevor Woods
3 min readNov 3, 2020


Crowd Psychology

Group dynamics have been a concept studied by social psychologists for many years. In terms of social movements and protests, the reasons why some groups become violent and others do not, can be explained by crowd psychology research. Additional terminology that has become interchangeable with crowd psychology are mob mentality, herd psychology, and groupthink.

Although the purpose of this article is to examine the relationship of crowds and the individuals within them, other important factors such as the leaders who serve as the face of groups, play an integral role in the demonstrated behaviors, feelings, and norms of crowds.

From an individual perspective, we all have experienced groupthink and other crowd related phenomena that suppress the identities of individuals within groups. The biological inclination of humans to integrate into groups (tribes) for survival, seems to be the internal driver for people who assume identities of groups.

The success of the human species hinged on humans forming groups for survival, hence why human connection, a thirst for community and collective progress seems to be a pillar of the human experience. For groups to succeed, it’s members must work in a collective manner to eliminate competition or threats to their communities.

When I was a kid

I remember a number of times my participation in different groups influenced the decisions I made, but by all accounts, I was a pretty good kid who had a tremendous drive to perform well in school and sports. This drive was largely influenced by my insatiable need to impress my father, although I don’t think my need for esteem from him would have ever been satisfied based on our dysfunctional relationship.

In any case, I typically didn’t get into trouble. I was very impressionable, and on several occasions, acted out of character when around friends, or anybody else that formed a liking of me.

One summer, some friends (around five or six) and I decided to ride our bikes to the local high school. The high school was a good spot to ride our bikes and meet up with other kids in the neighborhood. Shortly after riding our bikes to the high school, we met up with about ten other kids — some we knew and some we didn’t.

I can’t really remember who brought them, but one kid had several cans of spray paint and suggested we “tag” some stuff — with much fanfare from the group. This was when I made a decision that I normally wouldn’t have made had I been alone. Even though “tagging” property has become increasingly socially accepted these days, (it’s become somewhat of an accepted counter-culture and artform) at the age of 12, the thought of being caught terrified me.

I subscribed to the feelings and behaviors of the group I was with that day when I was a kid. Shortly after vandalizing (spray-painted) a garage, we were sighted by some residents a couple of houses down. They observed our shenanigans and called the police. When the police showed up, two of my friends and I were the only ones that didn’t run out of there.

Long story short, after a few months of probation and 50 hours of community service, I atoned for my vandalism sins. But, I vividly remember the feelings I experienced when I engaged in groupthink: It was easier to make immoral decisions, I felt lowered amounts of inhibition, and I irrationally justified my actions.

It has been a little disheartening watching these mobs and their wakes of destruction. It hasn’t fostered any semblance of progress to date, but I hope the social movement our country is currently facing is presented with leaders that redefine the movement’s basic ideas, behaviors, and norms. I would love for my children to learn from leaders representative of the giants of the Civil Rights movement: Dr. Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks.



Trevor Woods
Trevor Woods

Written by Trevor Woods

I enjoy writing about many topics, primarily leadership, organizational behavior, adventure, post-apocalyptic narratives, and the occasional endearing comedy.

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